Latest News and Features
Arisha has evolved! The lovely lady (one of several) from the action MMORPG Vindictus has recently discovered the joys of a new weapon, the whip.
There’s a new member of the MU series coming soon, shortly after the start of the global open beta of MU Legend: MU Ignition.
Hawken has a very odd way of wishing everyone a happy 2018: to shut down the PC version of this mech shooter entirely, as of today.
Welcome to our 2017~2018 gala of the ‘Freemies’ Game Awards, where we celebrate the unsung heroes of free MMO games and other lies.
Win a free Closers Ace Bundle worth $570! Participate in this awesome giveaway and you may be one of the 5 lucky winners!
Right on schedule, the Global Adventures closed beta is now live. SubaGames has just made the official announcement a few minutes ago.
Hyper Universe is going free-to-play soon, as Nexon announced a couple of weeks ago. Now, we know that the official launch is happening mid-January.
Last Christmas I gave you my Blade and Soul Warlock Christmas-themed cosplay, that is what Team CSL would probably say next year.
Merry Christmas everyone! SoulWorker Online is celebrating the miracle of this holiday in the traditional way: Christmas-themed costumes.
2018 is going to be a great year for World of Tanks, and Wargaming is already revealing its big plans for the coming months. It’s exciting stuff.