This time we take a look at Alfheim Tales Online, a free MMORPG with colorful visuals and interesting if very generic gameplay for younger players or those new to the MMO genre. Watcha Playin'? is a FreeMMOStation show where we give you a first look with commentary on the most popular free-to-play MMO games available.
Alfheim Tales Online is a free to play MMORPG where the player controls an elf character in a world filled with monsters and spirits. You can choose between a few classes and each has its own aesthetic but the overall play style is similar. The game actually has a nice, colorful game world which includes the original art design of the creatures. One of the reasons to enjoy playing the game is the way you’re slowly being introduced to all of the systems such as pets, which you get at a very early level. You can evolve and tame different pets as well. Questing is extremely generic with an autopathing option to speed things up.
All in all, the game feels somewhat similar to RuneScape except far more childish and linear. We suggest this to interested players below 16 years-old though we have to admit that it is at least not bad considering it is such a light download and free to play with low graphic requirements. If you were looking to play a game with a younger family member to get them started in gaming, this could be a fun one to have for their first online experience.
As a final note and despite of the title, Alfheim Tales Online has absolutely nothing to do with Sword Art Online (SAO), something that has mislead a lot of players who just can’t wait for a Sword Art Online MMORPG.
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