Closers: Dimension Conflict is a cel-shaded side-scroller action MMORPG with gameplay similar to Dungeon Fighter and Mystic Fighter. Revia is the latest character to be added to the free-to-play Korean side-scrolling brawler Closers Online, aka Closers: Dimension Conflict. Revia is a well-gifted 13 year-old girl with a scythe and an alien snake pet and uses plenty of magic skills – she is sort of a techno witch.
It's possible that Closers Online gets a release in North America, judging by a 2015 leak where some US files were found, and also due to the fact that the official website is available in English. Nothing is confirmed at the moment though.
From Asia is a FreeMMOStation show where we show you the most anticipated MMO games from countries such as Korea, Japan and China.
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