This time we take a look at Pockie Defense, a free online game with tower defense gameplay from the makers of Pockie Saints and Pockie Pirates. Watcha Playin'? is a FreeMMOStation show where we give you a first look with commentary on the most popular free-to-play MMO games available.
Pockie Defense is, as the name implies, a tower defense game, this time based around fairy tales. From the same series that already includes Pockie Ninja, Pockie Pirates and Pockie Saints, it has a lot of comedy (if you like the approach) and is probably meant for teen and up in regards to tastes. It’s a very silly game, to say the least. A redeeming quality to the overall simplicity of the game is the fact that there are many somewhat deep features which warrant extended play, such as being able to hire extra heroes, commonly seen as towers, to use in your defense and then be able to upgrade the heroes you own. There are also player aimed abilities which help to make the levels faster paced and more intense. In regards to towers or hero quantity, there seemed to be a nice pool, though the levels were not very epic.
Personally, it wasn’t a very enjoyable game even though we actually like many defense titles. The comic allure to this game just feels a bit out of place, or perhaps even immature or distasteful in some regards. This seems to be one of those games that you would play in middle school during computer class to just mess around with and spend some time, not a game to devote yourself to for weeks.
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