Rainbow Saga First Look Gameplay Video

This time we take a look at Rainbow Saga (closed beta), a free 2D side-scrolling MMORPG possibly inspired by MapleStory. The artwork ranges from cute to brilliant and the animations and character design are pretty much very decent. This is a niche MMO game and while it may look a bit childish, it plays nicely and could appeal to gamers of any age. While it lacks a bit on the standard character customization, the in-game store offers several options to change how your character looks, if you don't mind spending some money on a free-to-play game. First impression is that Rainbow Saga could be a nice game where we wouldn't mind losing some time having fun and discovering the next awesome bosses.

Watcha Playin'? is a FreeMMOStation show where we give you a first look with commentary on the most popular free-to-play MMO games available.

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